
Tuesday 10 April 2012

The sound of His footsteps

Then the man and his wife (Adam and Eve) heard the sound of the LORD God as He was walking in the garden in the cool of the day ……….…(Genesis 3:8).

God walked in the Garden of Eden. He was accessible; He could be heard, probably seen. In the cool of the day He took a stroll, no doubt taking great pleasure in all that He had made. Adam and Eve were used to these walks; they were familiar with the sound of His footsteps.

The Bible tells us how various individuals over the years have walked with God.  Enoch in the early dawn of Biblical times walked with God so closely that one day they were walking together and he just left the earth behind and walked into heaven with God (metaphorically speaking). Walking with anyone implies companionship, togetherness, friendship, keeping in step, walking abreast. God’s presence is here, in the church; He walks and talks and shares His heart with us.

Hang on. God can’t keep up with me.. too fast, too busy, head speeding. But He is here ..walking … walking …. relaxed and enjoying … but I’m not sure He can always have, or even enjoy, my company.

Another thing: when we walk with a friend there is never a monologue. One talks and then the other.  There is listening; there is talking; there is understanding and feeling, a sighing together; friendship grows. Next time we meet something solid between us has already been built.

Our toil can become so fruitless. Only by walking, talking and listening do we enjoy God’s company. When He walks with us and we hang upon His arm, we have His anointing, things happen, lives are changed. Yes Lord, I think I better walk a little slower, then we can walk together. I could practise a trifle more listening too ... I’m not always too good at that …

Hey, I want to hear the sound of those footsteps ….

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