
Thursday 24 May 2012

Well of Your Grace

Last Saturday (19 May) we had a vision-inspiring morning at Coventry Jesus Centre  for all us staff and volunteers led by Ruth Smith from  'Livability,' an organisation aiming to equip and support Christian groups like us to meet the spiritual and practical needs of our neighbourhoods.

Ruth was just great: unassuming, intuitive and able to draw us out – rather than tell us what we should be doing. She encouraged us to find God, to rest in Him and find His grace and inspiration in all that we do (she sensed we’re all a little weary) so we can, "soar on wings like eagles ... run and not grow weary ...walk and not be faint." Isaiah 40:31

At the end of the morning my friend, Ann Generous, wrote this very thought-provoking poem - me thinks it needs mediating on, line by line … it’s deep …. take a deep breath and enjoy ....

God of the small things
God of the universe
Seeing right to the end
But seeing the here and now
Covering the past with mercy
Carrying the present with grace
Inspiring the future with vision
What do You see?
What are Your longings?
Where will You take us?
Into people’s hearts
Into people’s lives
Into people’s longings

Inspire the hope
Inspire the confidence
Inspire the action
Working out of the well of Your grace
Working into the opportunities of Your love
Reflecting Your heart to value each one
Reflecting that mercy overcomes judgement
Not despising the steps each one takes
Not forgetting the human pain
Not fitting people into moulds
Being willing for the little things
Being glad in the small victories
Being rested in the long journey
Being lifted by Your immense strength