
Sunday 17 June 2012


Ezekiel, well, he’s not my favourite prophet. I don’t get what all those temple measurements are about but then, I’m not a mathematician (understatement)  but that vision of the glorious ethereal beings, the moving throne, the wheels within the wheels, just moving this way and that and the .. the what? The Man on this throne, steering  the great thing I suppose … well that is just aaaaaaawesome. It’s a glimpse into another world, a world beyond our world; maybe that’s the wrong preposition, parallel to our world .. I don’t know ..I don’t know because I really don’t know where this world is at all …..

I think we live in fascinating age of discovery .. every time I hear of a new constellation, planet or star being discovered it makes me go a bit tingly.

But this other world is not subject to the same laws as our world is.  I mean, you can’t just send off a space probe to measure it, photograph it or conduct an experiment to find just what is what….

This other world seems to reveal itself momentarily when you least expect it. Ah, I’m just reading the Magician’s Nephew (well, actually having it read to me – luxury.) C.S. Lewis captured this fact gloriously; you can’t follow one, two, three steps and you’re there. It just happens when it happens.  And happen it does…

You know this other world .. a few weeks ago someone, let’s say of a sound mind and a rather respectable social standing was passing by our marquee in Northamptonshire and, when he least expected it, saw this other world. Above our church marquee was a bright light (so bright he could not look at it.) I bet if he looks when it’s pitched again this summer he won’t see it - even if it is there - because that's the nature of things…

This world, the world Ezekiel saw, is not magical - well not in our sense of the word. It’s real, as real as, well, you and me. Other, different, beyond, paranormal, numinous, supernatural ……. words fail.  Ezekiel saw it ….. aaaaaaawesome.

1 comment:

s0upy said...

I've glimpsed this other world myself here and there. There real trick is to remember what you've seen in those times of wonder during the nitty gritty of life (early chapters of The Silver Chair spring to mind).

Thanks for reminding me.

The other trick is to live out the reality of what you've glimpsed. Thanks for reminding me about that too. :-)