
Wednesday, 19 February 2014

Jesus' Call: An Overflowing Heart: Generosity

The saying of Jesus from Matthew's Gospel beginning, "The eye is the lamp of the body" (see opposite) has always been a puzzle to me but reading the NIV footnotes helps. Jesus appears to be talking about taking care as to what steers and guides us.

Just as our eyes, if sound, guide us -  so do our choices: If our ‘eyes’ are healthy (if our soul is set on choosing generosity and not storing up for ourselves) we will know the light, the lightness and joy of God, a spiritual health, running through us. 

If our eyesight is poor (our souls given to stinginess, unyielding, not thinking of others) we will know a darkness within – and what a dingy, dismal experience that will be!

God’s call is for us to be generous – materially, with our time and with our love. For this, we need the Holy Spirit, fresh, poured out, in our hearts; generosity is His nature and we want to share it with Him.

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