The park, the formal garden, planted in rows, straight as a dye – not God’s way! Our streets are straight or follow the uniform curve of a surveyors’ plan. Not God!
This wood, a wonderfully disordered, chaotic, full of surprises, masterpiece but underneath I perceive a perfect order, a cycle of life and decay with nothing wasted, coordinated – pure genius.
I soak all this in on this bright sunlit May afternoon. Meanwhile, a wealth of birdsong, un-orchestrated, fills the air whilst silently and stealthily, a tree creeper busily creeps up, around, the trunk of a nearby tree.
We humans want to organised, to control; it can be good. But let’s not forget God’s ‘way’, the disorderly, orderly. Let life break out, break out from underneath, from all around; let’s leave room for inspiration, for God’s new things; let’s take direction from the unlikely and be a grass-roots church and live - expecting God’s surprises!
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